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Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)


3D-printable Common Carp. More info down below.

These are digital files ready to be 3D printed and painted by you! By purchasing this you agree to our terms of use.
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This 3D-printable Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) model is a great tool for public outreach events or as your next print-it-and-paint-it project. The Common Carp (also known as Eurasian Carp or European Carp) is a widespread species across the globe. It was introduced in North America as an edible sport-fishing species. It is not as invasive as the four “asian carp” species so it is not often grouped with those problem species even though it did also originate in Asia.

The 3D printable, digital files are in STL format. They’re scaled to life-size and ready for you to print and paint them. We’ve included the model as one solid file, as well as broken down into components to be printed separately and then assembled, including: The full body, the body broken down into front and back halves, and the 7 fins (left and right pectoral fins, left and right pelvic fins, anal fin, caudal fin, and dorsal fin) This is how we prefer to print fish models.

This Common Carp Model is scaled to be 50cm long, which is within the average size range for an adult of this species.

Common Carp Model

Our tested print settings

We successfully printed this model in PLA on an FDM printer using these settings:

  • Nozzle size: 0.4mm
  • Layer height: 0.12
  • Wall thickness: 1.6mm
  • Infill: 10% cubic
  • Support material: True

We printed the model as components to be assembled later. First, we printed the front and back halves of the body with the cut surface placed directly on the 3D-printer’s build plate. If you do this, be prepared to do some clean-up to hide the seam when you glue the halves together. You should calibrate your printer to avoid “elephants foot” or the first layer peeling off of the build plate.

Next, we printed the fins. As with most of our fish models, we printed the fins solid in clear PLA to allow some light to filter through them and to increase the realism of the finished model. We glued the fins on with super glue and baking soda, which when used together, builds up into a rigid solid.

Feel free to use these settings and techniques as a guide, or use your own preferred 3D-print settings. These are just the settings that we used when printing.

Additional information

Sculpt artist

Lincoln Savi


STL file