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Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)


3D-printable Grass Carp model. An infamous fish for its ability to invade new waterways and outcompete native species in the United States.

The .STL files are in a .zip archive and come as both a solid model and separated into parts (body, fins) for printing separately and then assembly. This is our preferred method as we like to print the body on an FDM printer and the fins and teeth in either transparent resin on an SLA or DLP printer or transparent PLA on an FDM printer.


These are digital files ready to be 3D printed and painted by you! By purchasing this you agree to our terms of use.
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The Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is a large herbivorous freshwater carp species native to eastern Asia, with an original range from northern Vietnam to the Amur River on the Siberia-China border. This Asian carp is the only species of the genus Ctenopharyngodon. Grass Carp, together with Bighead, Silver, and Black Carps, make up the culturally important “four famous domestic fishes” used in polyculture in China for over a thousand years, and known as “Asian carp” in the United States.

Grass Carp are cultivated in China for food, but they were also introduced to the southern United States in the late 1960s and 1970s for use as biological control in aquaculture facilities. They have since become one of four invasive Asian carp species threatening to invade the Great Lakes in North America. The other three are bighead carpblack carp and silver carp.

The 3D printable, digital files are in STL format. They’re scaled to life-size and ready for you to print and paint them.

This Grass carp is about 45cm long, which is the size of a yearling. Adults get much larger at around 60-100cm.

rotating animation of the Grass Carp Model
rotating animation of the Grass Carp Model

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STL file